April 2016 – New Philanthropy for a New Generation

The ChickenSoup Foundation, our flagship responsible investment, was featured in a special report by The Economist on sustainable giving by young philanthropists.


A new generation of wealthy entrepreneurs is poised to take the reins of philanthropy in Asia. Motivated by different social causes, these young donors are forging their own way to make a difference.

The approach to giving is changing too, beyond just signing a cheque. Younger philanthropists are more hands-on, in part the result of wariness from charity scandals, says Edward Man, 44. That distrust led the young investor to set up the ChickenSoup Foundation with HK$1m (US$129,000) of his own funds. The foundation provides education and support services for 1,100 at-risk children in Hong Kong. “If you look at it from an investment perspective, what is the most worthwhile thing to invest in? It’s the future, and children are our future,” he says.


Link to article: http://sustainablegiving.economist.com/eastern-promise-young-philanthropists-in-asia/